Foundry Films Ltd is run by Meg Wriggles and Lotte Thomas, friends who met on a film set back in 2021, whose respective experiences across the filmmaking process have enabled them to cultivate an effective director-producer partnership. Foundry Films was born after they spent a year following Kenny Hunter’s process creating Scotland’s first Covid memorial, Your Next Breath, for an eponymous documentary commissioned by The Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh.

A foundry is a workshop for casting metal; a place of fusion and transformation. Aligned in their vision through a shared passion for following the artistic process, one’s relationship to their environment, and discussions surrounding mental health, Lotte and Meg are dedicated to creating films that interrogate the intricacies of the human experience and linger with the viewer long after the credits have rolled.

Meg Wriggles is a film director and camera operator based in Edinburgh, recently graduating from Edinburgh College of Art with a first class honours degree in practical film making. Meg’s love for film making is innate, first getting her hands on a camera at 8 years old and creating strange fictions. Since then, Meg has developed a love for people and social change, encouraging her to explore the documentary genre. Meg is also a keen oil painter and sculptor, and the founder of skateboobs (skateboobs.com), a queer skate collective which aims to tackle sexism through sport and art.

Meg Wriggles

Lotte has been producing films since the Covid-19 pandemic, which halted her projects in theatre production. After debut-producing three scripted shorts in summer 2021, she joined forces with Meg to make ‘Your Next Breath’ and start a production company. As a director and Spanish speaker, Lotte followed the experiences of Havana artists in her 2019 documentary, ‘Asincopados’, and explored the stage persona in her award-winning 2022 fashion film ‘Double Act’ (ECAM Madrid). Constantly seeking to refine her creative skills, Lotte also enjoys writing and producing music, acting, and photography.

Lotte Thomas